Monday, January 28, 2008

A True Georgia Peach (by Pia, the Italian Greyhound)

My Daddy had a Friend Visit…A True Georgia Peach

Over The Martin Luther King Jr. weekend my daddy had a friend visit from Atlanta, Georgia. It was a lot of fun having someone in the house to play with while daddy was at work. We became friends instantly and I had tremendous fun running around the house with him and keeping warm on his lap. His name is Troy and I decided to ask him some questions for my blog. He had never been to Provincetown before.

I figured I’d take some time and find out how a true southerner felt about visiting this gay get away during the winter.

Pia: How did you find out about Provincetown?

Troy: Provincetown is a well known gay destination in Atlanta. My friends and I have never been here but talk about it a lot. I figured the three day weekend was a perfect time to do some reconnaissance.

Pia: Let me start by asking you how the weather is in Provincetown compared to Atlanta.

Troy: Well, the Friday I arrived the weather was quite warm. Mike said it was unseasonably warm. We didn’t have to wear jackets and it was sunny. This was similar to our weather, however, lately it has been cold in Atlanta. The rest of the weekend was freezing. I was a little disappointed that I didn’t get to see any snow.

Pia: What did you think of the scenery?

Troy: Provincetown seems to me like an island. It is very quaint with the one main street and little ma and pa shops. It struck me as odd that some folks leave their doors unlocked and cars running while they went shopping. Its like a different world out in Provincetown. It reminds me of where I grew up in Tennessee.

Mike took me to see the beaches, dunes and pier. What a truly remarkable place. Being from the south, I had never been to a seaside town that was cold. The visitor Center was a nice place to get a panoramic view of the ocean, bay, dunes and town. But again, it was freezing!
Pia: What did you do while in Provincetown?

Troy: Mike and I went to a social outing Friday night and then stopped by The Porch Bar with a few of his friends. We sat by the fireplace on the couch and enjoyed conversation and drinks.
Saturday, Mike took me to a great waterfront restaurant called Fanizzi’s for lunch. The views of the bay were incredible. We tried to buy tickets to a play for that evening. It was called “Doubt” but was sold out by 1pm. Mike ended up cooking me dinner. Afterwards, we enjoyed a sinful desert while watching a movie and sitting by a roaring fire. It was a low key evening. Truly enjoyable.

Sunday we slept in and eased into the day. It was very nice. I explored Commercial Street and did a little shopping for family at some of the shops that were open. Mike took me to Herring Cove Beach to catch a sunset over the water. It was truly amazing and beautiful. Mike and I had a nice dinner at home again and we sat by the fire.

Monday, we visited the Province Lands Visitor Center and Beech Forest. We had one last lunch at Fanizzi’s before I caught my flight home.

Pia: Did you want to leave?

Troy: Not really. Although it was freezing the town has a magic about it. I can’t wait to tell my friends.

Pia: Were there a lot of people in town?

Troy: I was surprised at how many people were in town. Due to the holiday weekend the streets, shops and bars were busy. I was truly shocked as Mike had told me it was sleepy coastal seasonal town off season. The video store was the meeting place for everyone.

Pia: What were your favorite parts of the trip?

Troy: How friendly everyone in Provincetown is. There was one guy at the Grand Union who made me blush while checking out. Everyone Mike introduced me to, from his co-workers, friends and clients, were all friendly as can be.

Pia: Will you come back?

Troy: Most definitely. I can’t wait to see how the town fills up in the summer. I hear the hustle and bustle is quite exciting.

Pia: Will you throw my toy for me now?

Troy: I guess.

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