Monday, June 30, 2008

Pia Interviews: Geno and Chris

The last week of June ended with great weather, fun company and the invasion of pretty circuit boys to Provincetown. Boats are in the bay and the weather is beautiful. This week I let Pia interview Geno and Chris. Next week I’ll write about the 4th of July week, a fundraiser with Howard Dean and fun in ptown!) Email me your input at

Pia: Now that your vacation has come to an end, would you like to recap your stay with me…as I watch you pack?

Geno and Chris: Sure. Just don’t climb in the suitcase and pee on our clothes like you did to Jessica.

Pia: I’ll sit right here on the bed and take notes. So take me through your weeklong experience in Provincetown.

Geno and Chris: Will do. We arrived Monday and Mike took us to Showgirls. This was addressed in last week’s blog. The show was unlike anything we saw before.

Tuesday we walked Commercial Street with Mike, your daddy, during the day. What a town. My family used to own a house right on Commercial Street…years ago. I’m familiar with ptown and have lots of fond memories here. The streets were full and all businesses open. The mansion across from The Boatslip looks great. I haven’t seen it since it has been renovated.

Pia: So what did you do Tuesday night?

Geno and Chris: Mike took us to see “Whizzin” a spoof of “The Wizard of Oz.” I met Mike’s friends John from Provincetown, Frank from Boston and Scott and Bernard from New York. We had great seats and the play was absolutely hilarious. Anyone reading this should check it out. It only runs on Tuesday nights all summer.

Wednesday was low key. We went to Race Point Beach with your daddy’s friend Bill and had a BBQ afterwards. Then we watched a movie. It was a nice evening at home.

Pia: It was. I spent most of my time on your lap Geno…remember?

Geno: Yep. Anyhow, Thursday was another beach day. The weather was gorgeous. We participated in "Table for Three" with John and ate at Tips for Tops’n. This was great tasting Portuguese food in honor of the Portuguese Festival which was in town.

Friday was a socializing night. We walked Commercial Street, went to The Porch Bar at the Gifford House. It was packed.

Saturday night a group of us dined at The Lobster Pot. My sister and her husband were in town. It was good. Then we saw Varla Jean. What a fun show. Afterwards, we went to the Paramount and Wave bar.Not much energy there so we went to The Macho Bar at the A-House. Not your daddy’s scene so we went dancing at The A-House. Great energy and music! We all gathered at Spiritus afterwards and met some of your daddy’s friends. As 1:00am approached, the drunks were stumbling to get pizza. A few fell off the sidewalk… a wonderful show to end the night.

Sunday was a lazy day by the pool at The Provincetown Inn. Volleyball in the pool, walks along the breakwater and lounging while catching up on town gossip was fun. The Blessing of the Fleet was as traditional as ever, the drum corps that performed Saturday night was amazing! The singers and bands were a lot of fun. The parade which took place on Saturday was festive yet short. After we left the pool, we hit tea dance.

Pia: Tea Dance? How were the circuit boys?

Geno and Chris: Contrary to 4th weeks of the past, the boys were really friendly and full of smiles. Their bodies were decent but not the rigid, stone cut bods of years past. It seems as though this segment of the gay community is keeping it real. Nonetheless the guys were hot.

Sunday night was a toss up between Jimmy James at The Post Office and Dina Martina. We needed a good comedy show to distract us from the sad feeling of leaving, so despite Jimmy’s talent, we snapped a photo with “her” and headed to Dina Martina. Your daddy felt it was a good way to top off a wonderful week. Both Chris and your daddy were pulled up on stage. We walked away with some great stuff…. Jelly bean Haggis, Sigmund Freud lollipop, Three’s Company trading cards, apple flavored tape worm and lip balm in a toilet.

So the shows, the food and the weather made it a perfect vacation.

Well that’s it. The Fourth of July boys are here! The town is packed with shirtless guys.. and we’re leaving.

Pia: Thanks for the interview.

Geno and Chris: Thanks for peeing on the bed.

Monday, June 23, 2008

My Birthday

My birthday week came and went without much fanfare. Or maybe the older I get the fanfare just doesn’t matter. I got free ice cream, free dinners and a gift certificate to a spa in Northampton. I’ll be spending my summer vacation in a lake house away from the chaos of Ptown, and Brad surprised me with a day at the local posh spa.

It’s late as I write this and I just crawled in the door from another Showgirls. My friend Geno (who knew me when I dated women…way back) is here with his partner Chris. They just arrived today and of course, for a true Provincetown welcome, as I did with Jess, we went to see Showgirls. We had dinner at Spiritus, a couple of slices, complimented by Frankie’s smile. We walked to the pier where Geno pointed out a place where young Portuguese boys used to dive off the dock for money...years ago.

This past weekend I saw the final of the big three…Dina Martina! Her show was “off the charts” this year and more bizarre than ever. I sensed a lot of pain in the program… so did the group I was with. In any event, check out her show at The Crown and Anchor. She has taken it to a new level. I was lucky enough to get a gift out of her gift bag. She handed me a yodeling pickle. It is quite cool. I’m holding the pickle in the pic of Dina and I. The other two, Varla and Miss Richfield are definitely worth checking out as well. However, in my opinion if one must be chosen…its Varla.

Anyhow, Provincetown has now blossomed. Next week the circuit boys hit the streets. Drugs, dancing and sex will define the town. Head for the hills, or Bayberry Avenue and Nelson Avenue. This is the one week where pumping bass is heard non-stop all along Commercial Street, from The Mews to The Red Inn.

The Provincetown Film Festival came and went this past week. I was working and unfortunately did not get to see any movies. However, Madonna made her directorial debut and I heard it the film was good. Another one to look for is “Phoebe in Wonderland.” Besides all that, personally, I think the festival has grown too big for our little hamlet. It is plagued by financial issues and rumors are that it won’t be around next year. I think if it returns to a small time film festival that screens independent gay and lesbian films, than success will return. We had folks who were coordinating the festival running around with walkie-talkies, yelling, shouting and looking mighty important. Please.

Last week my friend Darren had his birthday party at Enzo’s. His superhero party was lots of fun. Here are some pics for it.

I just got a radio slot at WOMR. Every second Tuesday at 8PM for one hour, I get to be live on air. Check it out if you get a chance. WOMR streams. I felt the need to do something live again, in broadcasting, but a small commitment is all I can handle right now and this fits the bill perfectly.

I haven’t been able to join "Table for Three" in two weeks, but will be dining out with John, Geno and Chris this Thursday at Edwige at Night. It’s been awhile since I’ve been there for dinner. The last time was with a very special person. The food was good and I guess John had a similar experience.

That’s it for this week. Play it safe, plan a trip here and have fun in life. Please send an email to for blog entry or feedback.

Monday, June 16, 2008

I Love June in Provincetown

I love June in Provincetown. The weather has been unreal! We’ve been hit with 80 degree days…perfect for the beach. The massive summer crowds have yet to descend, and retail business is good!

Jessica and Quinn have left after a fun filled ten day visit. Pia and I have the bed back to ourselves, but I strangely miss waking up to a large boxer rolling on his back and trying to lick my face with his slimy tongue. Quinn loves the icky lickies.

Jessica and I took Pia and Quinn back to the beach for more fun. Early mornings at Herring Cove are relaxing and a great way to start your day.

We went to Tea Dance at the Boatslip and decided it wasn’t worth it. I think it’s a little too early in the season. So we left and met up with Guy and Louise, owners of The Black Pearl Inn, for free movie night at The Cape End Inn.

Jessica and I were in the mood for some new comedy and checked out Adam Sandler’s new movie, “Don’t Mess with the Zohan." Funny!

Brad took me out to a great restaurant, ABBA in Orleans, for my birthday. The food was absolutely delicious and service impeccable. It was a combination of Israeli/Thai cuisine. Check it out...worth the drive from Ptown.

I ran a tag sale and unloaded a lot of stuff over the weekend. It’s an effort to wrap up a chapter of my life that was put on hold for a couple years. With no distractions of heart or head, its time to unload, clean house and move forward. Anyhow, what I didn’t sell will be donated to the thrift shop at The Methodist Church.

My roommate, Kristine and I held our first “Cozy Ladies Luncheon” at Patio. Mark, Jessica, Kristine and I sat outside, watched the crowd and shared in gossip.

I went to my friend Darren’s birthday party at Enzo’s Saturday night. This “themed” b-day bash has become a staple for the past seven years in Ptown. A “superhero party.” It was a lot of fun and I’ll provide pics next week.

I also got behind the mic again at WOMR. I haven’t announced for a live program in close to two years. It was nice getting back in the DJ seat, playing some tunes and reading the news.

On Sunday, I went to see The Ride by Eric Lane at The Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre with friends John and Jay. It was performed at The Harbor Stage by the water, a quaint little theatre. It is a wonderfully written play and the actors were flawless. At one point during the play the script called for one of the actresses to say, “That’s annoying”… she did and at that instant someone’s cell phone rang in the audience. She looked out and repeated her line…”That’s really annoying” and the other actors improvised and said “truly annoying” and the play went on without error.

It’s amazing how Wellfleet has truly evolved into a little Cape Broadway of sorts. Most of the actors are from New York…or heading there. That combined with performances in Truro and Provincetown provides any theatre enthusiast with plenty of productions to see (and not just drag shows). It will be a great summer and fall for the arts.

Next week my long time friend Geno and his partner Chris come for a visit for 7 days.

Check out this week’s "Table for Three" as John visits Sal’s in the west end.

I celebrate my birthday this week and look ahead to a fun summer and truly enjoying this absolutely beautiful community.

Have a fun week and please email me at for kudos, ideas or feedback of any kind.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Pia Interviews Jessica

Jessica and her boxer Quinn are visiting Provincetown for a ten day stretch from their nine hour drive from Pennsylvania and so far she has hit the town running. While Jess was taking Pia out for a poopy, Pia had the chance to get her thoughts about the past week.

Pia: Hi and welcome to Provincetown. Thanks for taking the time to take me outside.

Jessica: Thank you for vomiting on my side of the bed.

Pia: Sorry about that, I got into something I shouldn’t have. Anyhow, tell me about your trip so far. What have you done?

Jessica: God what haven’t I done? Let’s start when I arrived Monday. We went to Showgirls where I watched in amazement at the most bizarre show I’ve EVER seen. My mouth was agape for this crazy Dina Martina character. Tuesday we took Quinn to the beach for the first time. He kept trying to drink the ocean.

Pia: I like my cousin Quinn except when he tries to sit on my daddy’s lap when I’m there. I snap at him.

Jessica: I know and if you ever try to bite him again I will drop kick you across the room.

Pia: Oh my. Anyhow, what else did you do?

Jessica: We got ice cream at Lewis Brothers…. Wednesday we started the day off with Yoga.

Pia: I’ve always liked the idea of spending an hour stretching.

Jessica: Then you would have loved this place. It was right down the road from home. Your daddy and I had the place to ourselves with the instructor. Then we went to Mystik Moon and got our fortunes told by Moses. He was dead on for both of us.

Pia: Is there more food in my future?

Jessica: This is about me, not you. Anyhow we rented two movies and spent the day at home. Thursday we ate dinner at Karoo CafĂ© as part of Night at the Chef’s Table a fundraiser for the AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod. It is one of the top TWO places I’ve ever eaten at. Friday, I went to Yoga again. Then your daddy, Uncle Mark and I ate at Fortune Cookie in the Aquarium Mall. We went to Ben and Jerry’s and got more ice cream.

Pia: It seems as though you eat a lot of ice cream.

Jessica: Only when your dad forces it down my throat…wink, wink, nudge, nudge…there seems to be an ice cream store on every corner in this town. Saturday I went jogging in the National Seashore, Province Lands. It was beautiful. Then your daddy and some friends over for a BBQ. We went to see Varla Jean, an Erotic film festival and an erotic fashion show. 

Pia: How was Varla Jean?

Jessica: I have a serious crush on a drag queen. I’m concerned for my gender attractivity.

Pia: And how does that make you feel?

Jessica: Frightened!

Pia: How were the erotic events?

Jessica: Hot. Girls and guys modeled some sexy outfits. The guys modeled condoms, fully erect, at the end of the show. It was mixed straight, lesbian and gay. Wow.

Pia: How would you sum up Provincetown?

Jessica: I’m gayed out but enjoying myself thoroughly. Now can you please take your poopy so we can go back inside?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Lazy Days of June

Another week has come and gone. The lazy weeks of June, as they are called are moving along. Memorial Day was the big start and now it quiets down for the next three weeks before the rush of July and August.

Farmer’s Market has returned for the season. This delightful open air market is located on Ryder Street (next to town hall) The market is open each Saturday from now until Oct. 26 from 11 AM until 4ish. Cape Cod grocers offer a variety of produce and other locally made products. If you get there early enough, you may be able to see local chef’s shopping for dinner specials.

Thursday night, our dinner club consisting of John, Scott, Marcin and I, ate at the new Victors in the west end. The experience was lovely. Click at the end of this week’s blog to read John’s review, "Table for Three." Victors ( is working on a website and I’ll provide the link once complete.

This week, I went to the 10th Annual Spring Playwrights’ Festival in Provincetown at the Provincetown Theatre. My friend George Sauer wrote a play, Small Window, that was accepted in the festival. It was produced as part of Six Plays in 60+ Minutes. Over 160 plays were submitted and 40 final plays read blindly by the judging panel. Only six plays were approved for performance.

John, Rich, Mark, Marky, Fred, Guy, Louis and I dined at Way Downtown Saturday night before the plays. Reviews of the meals were mixed but I enjoyed mine. Service was good.

All six plays were a delight and the event was overall enjoyable. Local actors did a great job bringing the characters to life in each play. Other plays performed: Propositions by Jerry Thompson, Show Me Yours by Meryl Cohn , Canyon’s Edge by Barbara Lindsay, Birthday Wishes by John Kern and The Date by Joan Lipkin.

The AIDS Support Group hosted a tag sale at its 96 Bradford location on Saturday. They sold the leftover inventory from Cottage the retail store that closed last year.

The bizarre yet wonderful Dina Martina made her review this past weekend. I’ll be seeing her show soon, but not yet. She is at The Crown and Anchor and I wonder how the change in venue works for her.

Other than that not much has happened this week besides the normal…. work, gym home routine.

The town was pretty slow this weekend. Not many folks around. I did happen to connect with two friends from Boston who I had not seen in quite a while. I hope to see more of them this summer.

I’ll be attending another fundraiser for The AIDS Support Group of Cape Cod this coming Thursday. Chef’s Table is an event where restaurants cape wide open their doors and donate the cost of dinners to the organization. John, Michael and I will break our routine of working our way east and jump to the Karoo Kafe for Chef’s table. Come back and see how it went. I’ve never been. John and I will also be catching a play at Wellfleet Harbor Actors Theatre. Have a good week and feel free to send me an email at