Monday, September 10, 2007

Making A Move

So, you’re thinking of moving to Provincetown? Hmmm. If you have a minute I’ll describe what the past four years have been like for me since moving from an executive position with a Boston real estate firm to Provincetown four years ago. In a single sentence, my Provincetown experience has been an explosion of creativity and spirituality mixed with an implosion in finances.

My love for Provincetown, combined with the need to break the chains of corporate bondage, motivated me to move to the promised fairyland in April 2003. I fell in love with a man who served as a catalyst for getting me to move. I quit my job, sold my homes and we started a property management company that quickly became successful.

However, the winds of fate determined that the relationship would not last. We sold our profitable company, I became a realtor and he slowly disappeared from the scene.

While all this was happening, the Gods of Provincetown saw fit to reach into my inner soul and extract hidden creativity. Poetry and short fiction poured from my heart. I returned to broadcasting and hosted numerous shows on the local radio station including a dance party and real estate program. I still produce, write and host a television program that details Provincetown happenings. I ventured into filmmaking and wrote, directed and produced a ten minute short film that has been accepted into a local film festival.

Besides these wonderful gifts, I am also the unexpected proud papa of a hyper Italian Greyhound. Gee, a lot can happen in four years!

Please tell me your story. Are you in Provincetown? Are you thinking of moving here? Let’s discuss.